Monday, February 15, 2021

Comment Wall for The Marvelous Durga

This is a comment wall for The Marvelous Durga!

Thank you for reading :)

Art of Durga on her Tiger.
No Changes Made. By Shrimad Devi Bhagvatam and Shiva Purana on 10-08-2017. Source: Wikipedia


  1. Hello Tyler. I really liked the introduction to your blog. You did a good introducing the story you were wanting to tell in clear and concise way. I like you how you were able to find parallels between the Indian goddess Durga and the current pop culture character Captain Marvel. I also like the kind of story you are trying to tell. It kind of reminds me of A Christmas Carol. Where Durga somewhat mirrors Ebenezer in which she looks at three different stories to learn about herself. I also like how you humanize Durga in your introduction. Despite being a goddess, she gets tired and has her ups and downs when it comes to her life. I also like your choice of Captain Marvel as the character you wanted to reflect Durga. From what you described Captain Marvel and Durga as it seems like they do have very similar traits and values. The only difference is Durga has somewhat lost her mojo. Overall I really liked your introduction and cannot wait to read the rest of your storybook.

  2. Hello,
    I absolutely loved your blog concept! The ideas were very clear to the reader and I totally understood what you were going for. I am going to bookmark your site because I want to see how everything turns out!
    I think you did a very good job of drawing connections to an Indian Goddess to a character that has special abilities and in some sense of the word is somewhat of a modern goddess as well. I think your concept is so cool, making this goddess have to fend for herself in a modern world is a very interesting type of story that I am excited to hear more about. I love how not only does this goddess have to navigate a different body with different abilities, but now she has to figure out how she got into this body in the first place. Where is she? What is everyone up to, what is this strange language they're speaking? What a fun concept!

  3. Hi Tyler!
    I thought you did a fantastic job of introducing both Durga and Captain and Marvel as well as the concept for you story. Everything was clearly written, so I can’t wait to see how this will unfold. I know that Durga wakes up in the body on Captain Marvel, but what happens to Captain Marvel? Did they just switch bodies, or is that not relevant to the story so it is not worth mentioning? I’m just curious, so that’s why I asked. One small suggestion that I have is including a footnote or something at the bottom of the page for definitions or other clarifications. You did a great job of incorporating an explanation of what the Hala star is into your introduction, but I don’t know what a Shakti force is, for example. So, I think it would be helpful to the readers if you either did a subtle explanation woven in your story like you did with the Hala star or just put an asterisk by the word and defined/explained its significance below. And this suggestion goes for the rest of your storybook as well. Overall, I think the stories of Durga and Captain Marvel tie together really well and make sense with the route you plan to go for your story, so I’m excited to see where you go from here!

  4. Hi Tyler! I love the comparison between Durga and Captain Marvel. I did not notice the similarities between the both of them before you brought it up. It was clever to put them together, two warriors. It was also lovely to see that Durga, a goddess, can have ups and downs. The idea of humanizing her is refreshing. I'm impatient to read - big fan of Marvel, so I'll definitely come back - how Durga will accommodate with her "new" body and her adaptation to it. It will be weird for her to discover a new world, an unknown language, and new people. One suggestion that I could offer is to explain who specifically created Durga. Additionally, I think it could be interesting to give more details about her weapon since their quite specials.
    The layout of the introduction was easy to follow and clear!
    Thank you for the introduction; I had fun reading it!

  5. Hi Tyler,

    I just read your introduction and was so shocked to see Captain Marvel! First off, I love that you chose to write about such a strong female character. The comparison between Captain Marvel and Durga was strong and made sense. It is also really creative which I love! I actually just wrote a story about Lakshmi, which is one of Durga's daughters. Sita from The Ramayana is actually a form of Lakshmi, so there is a connection there from a story we have read in class! Anyway, I think using Captain Marvel as an inspiration for Durga is great, as they are both warriors that strive to help those who truly need it. Thanos won't stand a change against these two! One suggestion or question I have is was she born as Carol, also known as Captain Marvel, or are we just starting from the timeline of Captain Marvel being in New York? Also, are you going to try and incorporate any of Durga's characteristics? An example might be her vahana, the tiger. I am not sure how you would incorporate that at all, but I thought I would ask! Overall, I think you have a great idea and I cannot wait to read more!

  6. Hello Tyler! I watched Captain Marvel when it came out in 2019 and I am very interested to see how you will blend two strong warrior women into one epic tale. I did not notice any grammatical issues, but I was too captivated by the story to be a reliable judge of that. I find the best way to check grammar and sentence flow, especially when I’ve already been staring at something for a long time, is to read my story out loud to a friend. As I read it, I catch mistakes that my eyes had glossed over only seconds before. As for the general effect of the Introduction, I think there are a couple places that you could give a little more detail and it would help with clarity. The biggest thing for me would be an explanation of what Durga’s Shakti force is and why it would send Durga into the mind and body of Captain Marvel. Besides that, this is a very good introduction and I am excited to read the rest!

  7. Hello Tyler! I was so excited to come across a storybook that includes Captain Marvel in it! While reading your introduction post I became more and more interested in Durga and her story and how much she relates to Captain Marvel. In your introduction you stated "Using her third eye, she knows that the fire within her has grown dormant with time." and I was a little confused by this statement. One thing that might help your story is to go into a little more detail about this and also Durga's Shakti force. This would make the story easy to understand for anyone who tries to read it. Other than that I really enjoyed reading this introduction. The ending made me really question all the different ways this story could go and now I am curious to see whether Durga will return back to her original self in the end!

  8. Tyler! You’re absolutely killing your storybook! I’m so excited you found a way to combine Captain Marvel with Indian Epics, and Durga is such a cool goddess that it fits perfectly. I’m also really impressed with how much research you did in your first story, even drawing on some of the actual Captain Marvel comics. I did wonder if you could expand a bit on the part where Durga mentions that she and Captain Marvel had fought before. Why did they fight? Was it friendly sparring or were they enemies? The detail seemed to come out of nowhere, but I think it’s interesting and useful for the telling the reader how Durga recognizes she’s in Carol’s body. I’m really really excited for the rest of the storybook and I hope Carol herself will make an appearance at some point. Your website looks great as well. the colors remind me of a classic comic book, so I think you’ve done a great job of cultivating that atmosphere. Keep up the awesome work!

  9. Hi Tyler! This storybook is so creative. It looks like it's going to be a great story. You did such a good job of combining the stories, and the idea of the protector of India swapping places with another protector is very unique. Also, I really like the information you gave in the author's notes. I personally only know Captain Marvel from what little information is in the new Avengers movie. Throughout the story, I was a little confused because I did not know who the other characters were. I think if the information was woven into the story or if the author's note was read before the story it would help make the story a little less confusing on the first read-through. I think a cool scene would be either a run-through of discovering Captain Marvel's powers or somehow combining the two protectors' powers. I also do not really know all of Durga's powers so an explanation of hers could be interesting too.

  10. Hello,

    I think this was a really interesting topic to write on and it reminds of those stories where a peasant swaps places with a king and how they experience their whole life shift. It Is definitely a really good perspective to see between the two areas of life and it makes a really good storyline as well. I think you chose a really interesting image as well. The website was easy to navigate as well and the layout was good. Good job overall and please continue the hard work

  11. Hi Tyler! Great job on your introduction! II think you did a fantastic job introducing the reader to everything and I think it was very clear to the reader. I love how you made a connection between the Indian goddess Durga and the Captain Marvel character. I honestly didn’t think of all the similarities that they both had! I love how you made Durga seem more human by showing that a goddess can have ups and downs just like a human can. I also think you did a great job with all in information that you gave in the author’s note. I did not see any grammatical errors so great job on that! The images that you chose go well with your story and are very interesting! Amazing job on the layout of the website, it looks great and is easy to navigate! Overall great job cannot wait to see the progress!

  12. Hi, again, Tyler!
    I read A Heroic Awakening and New Visions, and it answered all the questions I was asking myself when I first read your introduction. I did not know that Mar-Vell was a man, so it is fascinating that you stay true to the comics. Besides, I find it interesting that you include Carol’s vision as Durga too and not only Durga as Carol. I think it gives more depth to your project.
    What I could suggest to you is to increase the font size a bit; it was a bit difficult to focus and read sometimes. As I noted last time, your layout and website were easy to navigate, and it is clear. The author’s note was beneficial; it helps me understand things I was confused about. I also think that the images were well chosen to represent your stories.
    Thanks for your stories, and I’m impatient to read the last one!

  13. Hey Tyler!

    I enjoyed reading your stories. I like that you use Durga’s experience as Captain Marvel as a way to have her experience what it’s like to be a hero again. What if that experience somehow reawakened something inside of her and allowed her to use her abilities again? The way you tied Carol and Durga together by “being born for this” was interesting, but I probably don’t know enough about Marvel comics to fully understand what was going on in that part. The Psyche-Magnitron isn’t something I’m familiar with, but it sounds like that is important for how Carol got her powers. It might be worth adding a couple sentences or a short paragraph explaining it a bit more so that the connection between Carol and Durga is a bit clearer when it’s revealed. Another thing that wasn’t entirely clear was if Durga was simply reliving Carol’s memories or if she was Carol in those moments? I feel like the intent was that she was in control of Carol’s body, but the part that throws me off is when the “tumbled out the window”. That kind of gives me the impression that Carol was the one in control and that Durga was along for the ride while feeling like the was in control.

  14. Hello Tyler,
    I have again read one of your amazing stories of Durga and Captain Marvel. The story I read today is "A Heroic Awakening." what I like most about this story is that even though Durga is given all this power and the opportunity to live in Captain Marvel's body she still wishes to get back to India. I think that this detail shows her true commitment to her people and the love she has for helping them. One thing that I was a little confused about was how she tumbled out of the window. This confused me because it was kind of sudden. First she is looking out the window and then all of a sudden she is falling. You might add in a little detail, like she tripped as she was stepping away, or she was leaning against the glass and it suddenly shattered. Other than that small detail I really enjoyed reading your story and I found it to be easy to follow and understand even with a lack of knowledge of everything in the Marvel Universe.

  15. Hi Tyler! I’m back and I’m so excited to see you’ve done more with your storybook! I loved rereading the first story and picking up more of the details. I am in love with how well you’ve crafted Durga as insecure in her abilities but slowly gaining confidence. Not only did you write an exciting battle, but there’s also a great character arc. I enjoyed your second story, too! I’m so pumped that Carol was the star of that one. I’m enjoying learning new things about Captain Marvel’s origins as well as details about Durga’s stories. I’m really excited to see how the two heroes get themselves out of their entanglement. I’m also interested in the time travel/distortion element that you brought up in the second story. Why was Durga sent all the way back to Carol’s youth, but Carol is experiencing her mother’s fight in a different time? This could be really interesting, and I’m sure you’ve got big ideas. Your stories are sooooo well researched. I’m incredibly impressed, and I promise that I will be back to see how you wrap things up! Good job!

  16. Hello Tyler, I love your story so far! The introduction I read last time was so solid, and now you’ve added two amazing stories to it. It was very interesting to have all your Author’s Notes on a separate page; my personal preference would be to have them right under the story, but I also love the website formatting you decided to use for the Notes page. I loved how you broke apart what you changed from the Marvel universe and the mythology about Durga in your Author’s Notes. It really helped me to see the entire narrative from your point of view and gain a greater appreciation for your mashup of these distinct stories. While reading, it is sometimes unclear what is going on, but I don’t have a definite fix for such a critique. Perhaps playing with italics, bold, or even different fonts will better delineate between Carol, Durga, their mind conversations, and the action in front of them. Regardless of what you do, it’s already an awesome story, great job!

  17. Hello Tyler,

    The first thing I noticed was the Ramayana and mayan village-type look of your page. I loved the images you used and they really made me happy as well as stood out. The colors were very natural and really took my attention, kind of like nature paintings. This is good because it means you were able to attract attention to your page and make the reader curious and excited to read your story .I think the author’s note you provided was really beneficial and explained/broke down your storyline well. I did my author's notes separately but it was interesting you had them listed all on one page. I would focus on tenses and verbs for example, I noticed you switch up what tense you are speaking in, but I think besides these minor mistakes you did a really good job!

  18. Hello Tyler,
    I first want to point out how much I love the creativity and design of your website. Its so cozy and almost makes me feel like I am apart of this story. This is a great first impression and I can only imagine that it caught other peoples attention as well. I also want to say great job on your author's notes. Many of us are reading different versions of all of these Indian epics and having a good and detailed authors note is crucial. Therefore, after reading your author's note I felt a lot more familiar with. your stories and had a much better understanding. I really enjoyed reading your stories and I think you have a very creative imagination and that is a true talent. Overall, I am glad I was able to read some of your stories and I hope to be able to read some more. Keep up the good work!

  19. Hi Tyler! First off, great job on your storybook and coming up with the Captain Marvel theme! I love Marvel and loved going to see Captain Marvel's movie, so I got really excited when I saw this! This weeks feedback focus is on paragraphs, so I first wanted to suggest that you make the width of your text boxes smaller so that your readers eyes don't have to go all the way across the screen to read. If you do that, you may need to shorten some of the paragraphs to keep them from being overly long. Something I really liked about your stories was all the dialogue as well as getting to read the character's thoughts. That's something I always try to include in my stories, and always get positive feedback on it. I think we as humans just want to feel connected to characters and knowing their thoughts helps that tremendously.


Week 12 Lab - Microfiction: New Beginnings

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